Friday, December 14, 2007

Lesson 2d - End of Lesson 2

"To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?"

This week, we studied awareness, and how it affects our lives and others' lives around the world. If we are aware of events that occur or issues that are important from somewhere other than where we live, we can help to improve the quality of life of people living there. Depending on the action we choose to take, whether it be joining an orgniazation promoting womens' rights or just buying organically-grown bananas that profit the people who grow them, we can always make a difference when we respond to some of the issues of globalization.

Because of the growing awareness of the world, more issues are becoming apparent and are being dealt with. If humans and organizations in developing countries were not aware of some of the things that occur in developing countries, in relation to human rights, democracy, poverty, etc., these issues would probably take a lot longer to be resolved because the countries would be taking them on alone, instead of with supporters.

I think it is important to respond, in at least some way, to globalization and its issues. As I mentioned before, you could simply buy organic coffee, or join an organization that combats an issue that you feel strongly about.

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